First we drove down to Fairfield, making a drive-thru JM's alma mater, University of CA/Davis. Aside from the beautiful campus, the highlight was checking out the fire station where JM was a firefighter while a college student. Days that JM still fondly remembers.
We made it to Fairfield by 9AM (yes, HM made a point of reminding us how tired she was as if the rest of us hadn't been on the same lonnggg flight the night before) to have a wonderful breakfast with John's aunt (his mom's sister), his two cousins and second cousin (a VERY CUTE college boy). They were all a delight and it was so fun to see the strong family resemblances. You judge for yourself...
After a nice visit, drove through CA's central valley to Turlock to hang out with JM's business bro, Randy. This was a real treat for all of us as JM and Randy probably spend more time with each other than with us as families due to crazy work travel schedules. I think both families hear many stories about each other, but this was the first time we all hung out. Girls had a great time playing with Randy's sons and VM particularly enjoyed meeting Randy's wife, Lisa, and comparing notes about our men, who we agreed are brothers from another mother.
We also enjoyed meeting our first dogs of the journey. We particularly were fond of Lou, who reminded us a lot of our Maggie, but he was jet black. Too too cute.
We're off to Yosemite on Sunday apparently with a gazillion of other people. All the Californians we talk to won't go at this time of year, kind of like us and Disney at home. But we're all keen on seeing it and JM, a native Californian, has never even been, so it's something new for all us. So it's time to hit the road & hope for the best.
EM: I like when I saw when I saw my dad's school and his firehouse where he used to work. I liked seeing our family because I haven't seen them in a long time. Cousin Ed is really funny and kinda looks like Daddy. But Daddy says he doesn't.
We also had fun at Randy's house. Playing in the pool was the best.
HM: It was great seeing my cousins again. I enjoyed seeing the whole family. I also loved seeing the fire department cause Daddy tells stories about it.
And it was great meeting Mr. Randy and their family. I had a lot of fun swimming and just playing.
I'm excited to see Yosemite. See ya!
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