We hated to say bye to Molly. |
VM: We were sad to leave our vineyard today and adopted
pets. Molly (terrier), Baxter
(Lhasa), Oliver (camera shy runt mutt) & Cali the cat came to see us off.
And Baxter... |

We started our day at Nitt Witt Ridge, a CA historic site in
Cambria that is the antithesis of Hearst Castle.
Started in the 1920s and fashioned completely out of junk
and scraps, it was quirky.
Unfortunately the next tour wasn’t until afternoon and we didn’t feel
like hanging out so on we went down California 1 to the petite town of Harmony,
population 18. Totally charming and home to artists, it’s a fun,
off-the-beaten path spot.
loved picking through the hand-fashioned sea glass at the glass blowers gallery.
From here, we made it down to Morro Bay to enjoy lunch at
Dorn’s, a local institution opened in 1942, overlooking the Embarcadero
area. Many of CA’s who’s who have
eaten here. From Bob Hope & Tommy LaSorda to John Travolta. Our favorite autograph was from fitness guru Jack
LaLanne who said, “thanks for making food that fills us up but not out.” And in indeed, it was good food, but
the McCarty choices would’ve probably not fit Jack’s description.

We drove out to see Morro Rock, a manmade landmark created
when they excavated the quarries to make the jetties.
It now is a protected spot for pelgrine falcons.
A MAJOR highlight was burning off lunch
running on the beach and watching the playful otters.
And like Yosemite, we were greeted by the world’s fattest
ground squirrels who have adapted to living on the seashore rocks and eating
human food which is most definitely NOT their recommended diet.

From Morro Bay, we headed further down to San Luis Obispo to
check out the campus of CA Polytechnic University.
JM welcomed the girls to apply as long as they could swing a
We also checked out our next mission here. Another beautiful spot.
Mission at San Luis Obispo. |
We made it by late afternoon to stunning Santa Barbara. Our home away from home is a dog-friendly inn by the main part of town. It is a great spot and convenient to all the sites. Haven't spotted any doggy neighbors yet, but hope to do so tomorrow. The vibe here is much like Key West and we're all totally diggin' it.
A fleeting moment with no bickering.
EM: I had fun yesterday. We walked on a pier and I got sea glass at a glass shop. It was their glass that they turned in to sea glass by pouring in sea water.
HM: Leaving the vineyard was harder than I thought and not because I was leaving paradise, no, because I was leaving Cali, the cat, Baxter, Oliver, Molly, and Bella. My king size bed made me feel like a king- er queen.
I like going to the missions because of its historical feel all through it.
Santa Barbara is beautiful it felt like I was in Psych (VM NOTE: USA TV show that she watches with JM). We even saw the blueberry, Gus's car.
The pier was beautiful and the sunset AMAZING!!! VM was OBSESSED with the moon which I have to admit was full and bright. Before we even made it to Santa Barbara we stopped in the charming town of Harmony pop: 18 I got the cutest air plant and beautiful sea glass. Can't wait for more adventure in Cali.
Sunset in Santa Barbara. Yes, it's that beautiful. |
Full moon over the Santa Barbara harbor. |
I am enjoying following your vacation. I did crack up at the USA Network comment. You follow/stalk the shows from coast to coast.